Networking Isn't About Finding a Job


As I’ve worked on launching Junction over the past year, I’ve had many opportunities to talk to professionals in Taiwan about “networking.” Just bringing up the term often garners a fairly negative reaction. Many if not most people I’ve spoken to say that networking seems a bit dirty, and so they only do it when they need help finding a new job.

In my experience, this type of networking feels unfamiliar and strange to many professionals precisely because you’re basically asking for a one-way favor when you ask for help looking for a job. There isn’t much you can do for the other person in return.

On the other hand, what if we network not with the immediate goal of finding a new job, but with the long-term aim of learning and sharing knowledge? Excelling at the most challenging (and rewarding) jobs in the economy today - such as consulting, investing, product management, and entrepreneurship - require us to quickly synthesize information and expertise from multiple fields. Since most of us simply don’t have enough experience to rely on ourselves, we need to build mutually beneficial relationships with people who have different expertise.

I wish I spent more time doing this myself, but even the limited effort I’ve put into this sort of networking has benefited me immensely so far. Let me give you a few examples.

Learning from different teams in the same company. Early on in my career as a consulting analyst, I needed to quickly get familiar with the details of financial services operations - think the teams and processes that help you handle banking transactions, for example. Googling yielded some background information, but nothing that was ever going to impress a client. So I set up coffee with colleagues who dealt with customer experience and quality management, two key areas of concern for my clients. By spending just a couple hours exchanging information with my colleagues I was able to get knowledge that enabled me to excel in my role, eventually allowing me to get promoted ahead of schedule.

Learning from people outside of my company. Being promoted to a more senior client advisory position meant that I, a fresh 29 year-old consultant with no industry experience, had to be able to tell commercial banking and wealth management executives with 20+ years of tenure how to do their jobs better. While my consulting background allowed me to provide a useful perspective, I needed to develop a deep empathy for their day-to-day concerns. Fortunately, friends were able to introduce me to bankers who taught me about the details of their work and the challenges they face. For my part, I helped them expand their skill set by sharing research and frameworks from my firm. These relationships ultimately enabled me to win credibility with my clients and become a credible partner.

Using my network to find business partners. A couple years later, as I started to develop the idea for Junction, I realized early on that I was not going to be able to succeed as a solo founder. I simply didn’t have the necessary expertise in technology or marketing. I absolutely needed to bring on partners to have the slightest chance of succeeding. So - and by now you’ll know where I’m going with this - I reached out to my network. I was able to find each of my co-founders through existing relationships and introductions, which gave me assurance that I could trust them:

  • Ryan (Chief Technology Officer) - I had worked with at AppWorks in Taiwan when he was an outstanding intern there; he brought with him two developers with whom he had worked on previous projects

  • Sam (Chief Marketing Officer) - he had gone to college with my wife, and I had gotten to know his expertise in marketing when we were students at Georgetown

  • Ken (Chief Product Officer) - he played volleyball with a mutual friend of ours at Yale, and was recommended to me as a highly capable and reliable person

As a result, I was able to put together a team and start working on this venture much more quickly than I could have otherwise.

While theoretically I could have succeeded in each of these three things if I had not consciously developed and leveraged my professional network, it is clear in my mind that being able to find connections with expertise in various fields accelerated my progress. And because I also shared my knowledge, they were able to advance in their roles as well. None of this was awkward or had anything to do with finding a job.

So I encourage you to do the same - I promise that you’ll find it more beneficial than you might expect. We at Junction understand, though, that networking is often time consuming and you might not know where to look for people to meet.

That’s why we’ve built the Junction networking app to make networking simple for busy, ambitious professionals. It takes just a few minutes to create a profile and specify your interests, and every day we’ll introduce you to one person we think you would benefit from knowing.

Click here to learn more and sign up!

Networking 重點不在於找工作


在過去這一年創立Junction的過程中,我有許多機會與台灣業界的菁英談起 networking「人脈」這件事,常常意外地聽到不少負面的評價。許多人都認為「人脈」似乎有些「走後門」 或「利用別人」的嫌疑,因此只有在找新工作時才會認真看待這件事。






運用人脈來尋找商業合作夥伴。幾年後,我開始醞釀創業的點子。我很早就明白單打獨鬥難以成就大業,那些創業所需要的科技方面的能力還有行銷方面的技巧都不是我所具備的。我必須找到在這些方面的佼佼者來共創Junction. 然而說起來容易,做起來難。我連從哪裡下手都沒概念。因此我決定再次借助我的人脈網絡來擴大尋找範圍。就這樣,我透過一層一層的”人脈網“找到了一批志同道合的青年並能相互信任的創業家,我的團隊產生了。

  • Ryan (CTO):我在台灣Appworks實習時,結識了當時一起工作的Ryan,是我現任的Chief Technology Officer。 而Ryan也找到另外兩位他所認可的兩位技術人才來共同創業。
  • Sam (CMO):Sam,我的Chief Marketing Officer,是我太太大學時期的學長,我們也同為美國喬治城大學的校友,因此我深諳他在行銷方面的長才。
  • Ken (CPO):Ken是我在耶魯唸書時,一位朋友所介紹認識的,目前擔任公司的Chief Product Officer。他是一個專業能力非常傑出,且不可多得的摯友。






介紹 Junction

歡迎來到Junction! 誠心邀請您與我們攜手前行,共同打造一個專業的平台,與同樣才華洋溢、具企圖心的青年實業家一起奮鬥,拓展專業形象與能力,共同創造財富。






  1. 為您建立人脈:透過Junction會員專屬手機APP,並參與我們主辦的活動,您將可認識更多同樣渴望拓展人脈的頂尖專業人士。

  2. 職涯規劃諮詢:得到優質顧問和同儕的建議和回饋,更有效率地進行職涯規劃。

  3. 會員專屬工作坊:參與由專家帶領的工作坊,加強自己的專業技能,使職業生涯更上層樓。

  4. 商務專案及數據分析競賽:Junction將會舉辦競賽,讓會員展示自己的能力,以獲得獎勵及更大的舞台。

  5. 成為專業諮詢顧問的機會:我們希望將您打造成您所屬領域的泰斗,成為企業的諮詢顧問,在拓展個人品牌之餘,更獲得第二份收入。


